If Donald Trump is elected president, will this cause the Nation of Islam (Black Muslim Organization) to increase its membership?

2016-09-06 2:57 am
Throughout the years, the NOI has proven to be the best solution to the problems that are inflicted on the black community. The same NOI also bought up land for food production, and they also have their own supermarkets and other businesses that employ black people and have white patrons who claim are treated with a lot of respect. Also the black Muslim communities are the cleanest black communities in America because they have no drugs, no high rates of homicide, and extremly little to no crime.

The NOI does however teach that people like Donald Trump are the devil, and I agree with them on that. So if Donald Trump is elected, will the NOI have its membership increased, even from the contribution of black non-Muslims?

回答 (4)

2016-09-06 5:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
2016-09-06 3:02 am
The NOI is a hate group founded and led by Louis Farrakhan.

If you think for one second that they have any other interest in mind other than Louis Farrakhan, then even the jaws of life couldnt extricate your head from your posterior...
2016-09-06 3:02 am
Nobody cares about religion.
2016-09-06 4:02 am

If Blacks are so feeble-minded that they need religious guidance
in order to avoid being criminals well then that’s fine.

I’m an atheist and I’m not a criminal.
You don’t NEED religion in order to be a decent person.

But to answer your question it is reasonable to suspect that if
an a_hole like Trump comes into power that Blacks shall feel
threatened and they shall flock to NOI in a power grab like they
did with BLM.

And please spare us the bullsh\t of ‘white patrons who claim
are treated with a lot of respect’. So what are you saying;
Whole Foods doesn’t treat Whites with respect?

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 21:40:43
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