Which is a more potent placement for Leo in a birth chart? Mars in Leo or Leo Midheaven is most go-getter and flamboyant?

2016-09-06 2:06 am
My friend has she Mars in Leo and she doesn't think she is a big go-getter or very energetic and Royal like the big Leo influenced girl that she is. She tells me that having a Midheaven in Leo is a bigger influence in the birth chart but I'm not a certified astrologist™ And I need some insight here? Help? Can anyone break it down for me which is most significant aspect and planet by fraction or percentage or something so we can get to the bottom of this astrological marvel? Thank you!

回答 (2)

2016-09-06 12:12 pm
Mars in Leo is more of a go-getter and flamboyant placement.
2016-09-06 7:26 am
Mars in Leo could bring self confidence, pride, lust, attraction to power etc but it's most important to find out what planets are in aspect to Mars to see whether she tends to get the positive or negative traits. If she ever does "lose it" though, the whole neighbourhood is likely to hear it all occurr.
With Leo on the MC her own self importance could come from being in a career or generally needing to be seen as some sort of leader here maybe but you have to look at the Sun in the chat then to find out how this works out for that person. Leo has nothing to do with Mars though unless Mars is in Leo. With Leo on the MC it could be that the mother is seen as a very important person for that person so maybe they have to then always try to please her maybe.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 20:58:14
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