How to stop procrastinating?

2016-09-05 4:48 pm
I procrastinate so much and right now as im writing this, im procrastinating writing an english essay. Any suggestions?

回答 (4)

2016-09-05 5:02 pm
Mediating on all the times that you are stressed because of having to do things at the last moment.

Before starting on something, start on the thing that you need to do.

Mediate on the consequences of not getting your essay in, in time.

I have tended to say: oh that will wait til tomorrow, but in reality what I am saying is: I can't be bothered to do it now and tomorrow comes around all too soon, so get it done now, so it is out of the way and tomorrow I can do something else and it does work.
2016-09-05 4:49 pm
Associate the things that make you procrastinate with something fun that you like. So listen to your favourite music when doing it or have half an hour intervals watching some television.
2016-09-05 4:59 pm
Write down the benefits of getting it done.
Also try to get it done quickly.
Put off everything else until you finish.
You can also reward yourself in a small way when you're done.
Imagine the free time you'll have and the satisfaction of completing it.
2016-09-05 4:53 pm
The best way to not procrastinate is don't procrastinate. If you don't wanna do it, don't do it.

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