Should we fear Robots?If yes,why?If no,why not? *Include examples?
回答 (1)
Hi!This is one of my favorite topic,I'm so glad to share my idea with you.
In my opinion we Human beings should Fear robots,There are 3 reasons below
●Robots will take jobs of humans
牛津大學在2013出版了關於機器人將取代人類工作的報告the 2013 report of Frey and Osborne at Oxford University analysed lots of U.S. jobs and formed some conclusions about the likelihood of those jobs being replaced by robots.
Google’s Eric Schmidt had warned everyone about it at Davos in January 2014.
●Robots will kill humans
Military Experts in US refer to "Terminator" and seriously discuss how armed robots are changing the rules and ways of modern war.
● People prefer roberts lovers rather than human
Therefore i'm sure that Humans cannot live in peace and harmony with robots.
However, Should we fear robots, only time can tell.
收錄日期: 2021-04-30 21:54:39
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