My mom and aunt constantly badger me and my wife about the fact that we dont want kids. Does that make us Screwed up or bad people?

2016-09-05 4:35 am
My wife likes kids but doesn't want the responsibility and I don't like babies or children at all, so I don't see why its our "duty" to have children. What are your opinions?
Additionally, I have a hard time holding a job for any length of time due to me having Asperger's Syndrome, so if we ever got divorced I wouldn't want to be stuck with child support payments.

回答 (15)

2016-09-05 5:14 am
Who cares what anyone thinks! They are not going to be responsible for a child you bring into the world. Not their business and not for them to judge you.
2016-09-05 6:58 pm
Tell them you do not wish to talk about it any more and change the subject. If both of you agree to NOT have kids, then I STRONGLY suggest one or both of you get permanently sterilized - as in tubes tied for her and/or vasectomy for yourself.

This way you never will have to worry about a pregnancy.
2016-09-05 2:58 pm
Tell Mom and Aunt that you are two functioning adults making your own decisions and you most certainly will not have a child to satisfy their whims.
2016-09-05 9:34 am
NO it makes you sensible people.. having kids is a huge responsibility and should not be done to please someone else.. live your lives has you see fit and tell anyone who badgers you to shut the F##k Up...
2016-09-05 9:01 am
its your choice to have kids or not tell you mom and aunt to butt out of your marriage and to mind their own business.
2016-09-05 7:40 am
No, not at all. It a perfectly sound decision. Your selfish mother (and aunt) just wants to have grand kids. You need to ignore it because if you respond that will only feed their arguments. You treat them the same way you treat other bullies ..
2016-09-05 5:41 am
If you don't want children you shouldn't have them. Your mother and aunt are idiots.
2016-09-05 5:25 am
It makes your mom and aunt screwed up and "bad" people.
2016-09-05 4:40 am
First of all, you are thinking of divorce and not wanting to get stuck with child support payments. If you had a child at home you would be supporting that child. Now I do not think your family should be telling you to have children if you really do not want them.
2017-02-26 10:25 pm
not tell you mom and aunt to butt out of your marriage and to mind their own business...

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