Why Does My Mental Health Specialist And Doctor Suspect ASD!?

2016-09-04 11:26 pm
Okay so.. if you look on my profile, there is a question (you'll have to scroll to the bottomish).

I'm very shocked that my specialist and doctor suspect ASD, because of something to do with me being "concrete" in my thoughts/opinions, my "eye contact varying" and my anxiety being triggered by loud sounds sometimes.

Keeping that in mind, and having a read through my other question.. would ASD even pop up in your head!? I really don't know why they suggested it as a possibility..

The question is called Mental Issues - Can't Sleep

回答 (2)

2016-09-05 3:12 am
never even heard of it.
2016-09-05 12:24 am
Want to know something funny? I've apparently been a level 7 for a few years now and I don't really know how to look at a person's profile;)

Your doctor and mental health specialist can see, hear and examine you. We, however, cannot.

I have no interest in your previous post that you are too lazy to reiterate here in the case of someone else coming across your question.

There's nothing wrong with being slightly autistic.

It's not like your specialist and doctor know what they're doing, right? Your doctor only spent 7 years in post grad school.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 21:35:52
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