What's going on?

2016-09-04 7:47 pm
I'm currently breastfeeding and I've been doing so for 10 months. I've had my share of clogged milk ducts, but today my right breast is hurting and when I express.. it looks bloody. I'm not to sure what's going on or what to do. Help!?

回答 (7)

2016-09-05 4:32 am
What did your doctor say when you called?

DO NOT STOP BREASTFEEDING. If you do have mastitis, going cold turkey is absolutely the worst advice.
2016-09-04 10:18 pm
Go to the Dr, walk-in clinic or ER immediately. And stop breastfeeding on that side until this is resolved.
2016-09-04 8:03 pm
Infection. Give that kid a bottle and call the doc.
2016-09-05 6:01 pm
Call a docs office. Don't ask on YA.
2016-09-05 4:52 pm
Well I don't know what it is, but I'm not going to the Dr or ER. I'm still breastfeeding. I think I'm just going to wait it out and see if it goes away.
2016-09-04 10:07 pm
Go and get checked out. You could have thrush or another type of infection that is causing irritation in the ducts.
2016-09-04 8:11 pm
I can only speculate but one possibility is thrush. Get it checked out for an accurate diagnosis.

Edit: thrush is not localized to the nipple. I've had thrush before and it was painful and inside my breast as well.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:08:13
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