Anyone in Michigan been in a situation where someone's separated spouse who is on cocaine or any drug for that matter, been keeping thechild?

2016-09-04 5:06 pm
From the other parent for weeks. What did they do?

回答 (5)

2016-09-04 5:12 pm
It sounds like you need to take her back to court. If she has any brains at all she'll stop or risk being tested and losing custody of her children altogether!
2016-09-05 10:32 pm
File a police report immediately ..then go to court and file for custody.
2016-09-04 7:45 pm
Do you have a visitation order. If so, file contempt charges with the courts. If not, then there is nothing you can do until you have a visitation order. Document everytime you try to see the child. The courts love written records.
2016-09-04 5:12 pm
No. Not in Michigan. But in other states I would suggest that the other parent get a lawyer and either petition family court for custody, or at the very least call social services on the addict parent.
2016-09-04 5:10 pm
Unless there is a court order establishing custody, there's not much you can do. With no custody agreement, even a temporary one they don't have to return the children because you both have the exact same custody rights.

What you can do is go see an attorney or go to the courthouse and file a petition for temporary custody and visitation.

Given there may be drug use, if your claim is true you should probably go see an attorney instead of trying to do it on your own.

If there is an established custody agreement, you have to take it back to court.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 21:38:06
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