How does she actually feel? Girlfriend giving me mixed signals?

2016-09-04 10:16 am
So I have known this girls for 7-8 months, we dated and went out before we made things official as a couple around 4-5 weeks ago. We used to text, call and face time everyday. Over the last 3 weeks her texts seem alot more blunt, no kisses at the end of any messages and only says I love you once in a blue moon. She says I broke her heart when I accused her of already having another boyfriend, which yes is wrong however the suspicion is still there from what I have gathered but until I know for certain I am keeping that to myself.

Anyway I also am in a little trouble with the police and could go to jail for a short time and she said she would stick by me and support me and wants us to get back on track. Although I havent been arrested yet its due any day now! She says I have hurt her and she has cried most days thinking everyday could be the last day we talk for a while but as it hasnt happend yet she thinks I am milking it!

All this said she is still very blunt, doesnt reply to texts much, deleted me of facebook and snapchat yet she will then call me and act as if everything is fine. My suspicion on the cheating was from pictures I found but she says this lad is a very good friend, so is she hiding something? or is she genuinely hurt at the minute?

Also, when I questioned her about this other lad she says he was a friend and they tried to make something of it but agreed to be friends. I know she talks to him everyday but she doesnt tell me that. Her wallpaper on her laptop is of the pair of them, again she doesnt know I know that....Yes I have worried her with my situation but is she using that against me?


This other lad lives a 3 hour drive away. So am I just someone to not make her lonely? She says her last relationship ended badly as she was beaten, but from what I gather he was her last relationship! I am so confused

回答 (2)

2016-09-04 10:20 am
I am not going to jail any time soon. I'll be here as long as she wants me.
2016-09-04 10:18 am
You will not go to jail for a little trouble.
Be honest with her, and learn your lesson

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 21:35:32
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