Why am I so stupid?

2016-09-04 4:30 am
Im upset but I feel like its such a dumb reason.. I have a very crappy phone and theres not one person I know that has a phone like mine. My phone got full so now I can't even talk to my bff that moved across the country.. I cry about it alot because literally everyone I know has an iPhone or Samsung or something else but my dad will never get me anything better than the Extravert 2 piece of **** that I have..

回答 (59)

2016-09-04 4:32 am
You are pretty stupid for crying about a phone that you don't even pay for.
2016-09-05 12:47 am
If you consider your phone a measure of your ' worth ' or intelligence...
Then yes , you ARE stupid !
2016-09-05 4:19 pm
Whining accomplishes nothing. Offload some files & get on with your life.
2016-09-04 4:39 am
Get a job and buy your own phone
2016-09-04 4:33 am
You can't talk to your friend because your phone is full? I don't understand that.
2016-09-08 3:04 pm
It is actually the smartphone that makes you stupid. Keep deleting the old texts/logs on your phone to have enough memory available. Stop worrying too much. It's all the little things that make you happy in the end.
2016-09-05 10:33 pm
your dad pays for your phone and you are complaining, if you don't like what you have get a job and get your own
2016-09-05 10:13 pm
It's part of being human. We all feel that way from time to time.

Take a good look at your situation. How can you change it? Can you find a part-time afterschool job (even doing yardwork for the neighbors or walking the neighbors' dogs or babysitting their kids or something flexible like that) to help buy your own phone?

If you can help change things, do. If not, you need to focus on accepting what you have and learning to be content with it.

The latest and greatest tech stuff may be fun for a little while, but it really isn't the answer to how you feel about yourself or about having your friend move away.
2016-09-05 8:53 pm
Just clear out some of the junk from the past and you'll be ok
2016-09-05 4:03 pm
The reason you are not stupid is because I don't have any phone.
Yet I find no problem in looking for friends and hang out.
2016-09-05 5:34 am
Get a job and buy your own phone, until then be glad you have a phone.
2016-09-05 1:34 am
I give up, I'll play your silly game. Why are you so stupid?
2016-09-05 12:09 am
If it matters so much to talk to your friend, use a homephone, a pay phone, or go to a store and ask to use their phone.
2016-09-04 10:18 am
My folks thought I had ADHD, spent thousand$ on drugs, Ritalin, psycho-babble doctors, turns out; I was just stupid.
2016-11-01 7:18 pm
when you find out the value of a dollar you shall understand your dad's actions better... but for now think of this as practice... practice in developing patience... and practice understanding that even when your dad doesnt give you what you want, it doesnt mean he wants to upset you... it means he is trying to be responsible for your sake... you should be thankful... when you get your own job you shall then buy whatever you want...

so if you want anything for yourself and at the same time help your dad out, get a job...
2016-09-10 11:34 am
honestly I think your being a brat.Your parents gave you what they thought was a good starter phone.You were lucky to get that.I am sure in time you will get a better phone,show responsibility and find a way to earn the money for a better phone.And quit whining over what you dont have,and be happy with what you got.
2016-09-10 7:53 am
You did not choose your phone so why feel stupid about it. Now I will acknowledge this phone is a bit obsolete, you cannot run most apps and those advising you to skype do not understand that this device is not a modern smartphone at all. It still functions as a phone and perhaps it allows you to avoid being distracted by all of the apps people with better smartphones are distracted by. So many people with the great smartphones walk around in the street texting, skyping, and posting on facebook and reading their email, somewhat oblivious to the fact that they are crossing a street and should be noticing that a bus is rolling down that street at 40 mph. If your phone carrier is GSM, you can buy a basic android for 20 to 40 dollars off craigslist, ebay or amazon or even Walmart. The Coolpad Rouge is often sold for $19 to $39 {retail price $49.95} for T-mobile, Walmart Family Mobile or other T-mobile MVNO's. You can often buy a used Samsung Galaxy S3 compatable with your carrier for around $65-$85 {great phone, no LTE on most carriers}. If you don't work or have money, then you have to make use of what you have and appreciate it until you can earn or get given a better smartphone. I'm not going to totally bash you, your phone is legitimately older tech with limited functionality. There are some people who complain because they have an iPhone 5 or even a 6 just because the iPhone 7 is about to come out. Those young people are fortunate and a bit spoiled and need to get to carry around a flip phone, or have no phone at all. You have a bit more of a beef but still, make the best of what you have until you can find a way to obtain a better device. By the way, it is better, if you are a school student, to have a junky less desirable phone. Awesome phones are thief bait and poorly behaved slick gangstas may take your $500 smartphone if you get one and bring it to school.
2016-09-10 1:00 am
U r serious arent u
2016-09-09 6:22 pm
Just steal a phone
2016-09-09 9:52 am
There are plenty of things you can delete to clear space,
Why dont you go find a job or work for some neighbors and buy one yourself
2016-09-09 3:14 am
You can use Skype so chill out. If you really want a regular smartphone than you'll probably have to pay for it yourself. Work for what you want
2016-09-08 8:56 pm
How does that make you stupid , at the fact that your dad gave you the phone ? Im not calling him stupid , but you shouldnt call yourself stupid over a phone bc at least you have one . Its better to have a phone than not having one . Maybe one day you can buy your own iphone . You have to save up for one . Get a used one off of ebay , tell your mom or dad to order it , and give them the money for the phone
2016-09-08 6:49 pm
Ask yourself.
2016-09-08 5:37 pm
2016-09-08 2:14 pm
I mean how old are you? If you're old enough to save up the money and get your own roommate is doing that her grandparents bought the whole family a phone and she wants a different one so she's staying on the family plan and saving up money to get one she really wants . She still staying on the family plan but she's just getting the phone she wants. maybe talk to your dad and say if I pay for it myself would you take me to the store to get a phone that I want if I promise to pay for it
2016-09-08 8:04 am
2016-09-08 5:21 am
>erase messages in your inbox, as well as useless call logs and data
>I'm going back to a feature phone as soon as I can, definitely after college; trust me, life is more simpler without a smartphone. I would know. My dad (I'm on his plan) forced me to use one. He wouldn't let me keep my old LG Octane.
>Please stop complaining you don't have nice things. If you honestly want a better phone that must be a feature phone like the Extravert 2, I suggest looking into the old LG Octane like I had. Has 3G and everything. Although some of the old built-in features don't work anymore (social beat, vcast video), and you may have to download an alternative browser from the shop, it is a really useful phone still. Battery lasts a lot longer than an iPhone lol. Runs pretty well for an old phone, as it was top of the line for its time.
>Get some help and stop whining and putting yourself down for something stupid. It helps. I've been around the stupid-block before in my life.
Hope this helps. Have a good day.
2016-09-07 10:59 pm
Thats why
2016-09-07 10:16 pm
And where did you get the stupid part from? You aren't stupid, it's your parents that are. I never heard of the Extravert 2, but now that I searched it, I really feel sorry for you.
2016-09-07 9:07 pm
When you find out the value of a dollar you will understand your dad's actions better. But for now think of this as practice. Practice in developing patience. and practice understanding that even when your dad doesnt give you what you want, it doesnt mean he wants to upset you. It means he is trying to be responsible for your sake. You should be thankful. When you get your own job you will then buy whatever you want.

So If you want anything for yourself and at the same time help your dad out, get a job.
2016-09-07 9:03 pm
Get a job and buy a new one!
2016-09-06 9:10 pm
you're not stupid be careful
2016-09-06 8:11 pm
2016-09-06 6:38 pm
better than to be idiot
2016-09-06 6:14 pm
I wouldn't say stupid. Today, smartphones have many features that I don't need, so I don't have smartphone. I don't actually endorse looking up close at a screen like today's generation. Having a phone just for calling is enough for me.
2016-09-06 5:01 pm
I thought this question was about something else, not sad about a phone...But you can talk to your bff using the internet. There's skype and imvu and etc. I have an even crappier phone than you and I'm a college student who doesn't even care about having a phone because I don't have anyone to call and only care about my classes and no fun, but anyways my parents force me to get one just in case of emergencies. It's a crappy minute phone that only have 250 minutes lol
2016-09-06 4:54 pm
2016-09-06 3:45 pm
You are not stupid! No way. I am sorry for your crappy phone situation. Try saving up some money and ask if you can contribute to the phone bill in exchange for a newer phone.
2016-09-06 1:23 pm
I don't know
2016-09-05 10:48 am
I don't know but... If I was you I wouldn't care that much and I would wait till I grow up to have whatever I want. I have an iphone but my parents give it to me one time a week. Even my home phone isn't working. So for me I never ask for anything I just wait to have it. XD
2016-09-05 6:41 am
Yahoo Answer makes all us dumb. But the guys on here usually have smart things to say. That's the only reason I keep using this sight.
2016-09-05 4:40 am
It sounds to me like you have an abusive father. You aren't stupid though, its not your fault you have a crappy phone. If you like, you can contact me, I give out phones to people who are deserving.
2016-09-05 4:26 am
Get a job and get your own
2016-09-05 3:34 am
Full up with what? Apps? Get rid of some.
2016-09-04 11:35 pm
I don't know you but I doubt you're stupid. You're just frustrated about a phone. Happens to everyone at some point.
2016-09-04 7:33 pm
Funny how I just got a bunch of men to bully me
To everyone saying "Get a job"

Im below the legal age to.
To everyone being a dick, hope your happy that your saying a girl under 12 has ****** genes. Thanks guys, your real ******* funny.
2016-09-04 10:41 am
I sure miss that qwerty keyboard. Maybe when the next iPhone or flagship Nexus, Samsung, LG, or Motorola come out you can get one of your relatives to give you their old phone when they trade up.
2016-09-04 6:15 am
Your not stupid! I don't even own a phone anymore cause my parents took it away but the point is don't beat yourself up over it and I can't get a job either I feel you. If you have a home phone then use that to talk tour your friend... Hope I helped you
2016-09-06 7:02 pm
ahhhh poor baby throwing a temper tantrum.
2016-09-05 4:33 pm
your not.
2016-09-05 3:47 am
that's ok
2016-09-04 10:55 pm
You are not stupid. You will get it working again. You will make other friends
2016-09-04 9:46 pm
I wondering that myself! ;-)
2016-09-04 12:59 pm
That sucks.
2016-09-05 4:39 am
2016-09-05 12:33 am
2016-09-04 2:05 pm
Because your mommy and daddy are dumb dumbs and they passed
dumb f_k genes on to you.
2016-09-04 10:43 am
Because you are probably inbred. And get a job you lazy ***** I dont care how old you are get a paper round.
2016-09-05 2:37 am
Well, it's obvious, to even the most casual observer, that not only are you stupid, but you're also a complete loser who has no future. The best thing for you to do would be to kill yourself.

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