What to do about sleeping problems?

2016-09-04 3:02 am
I vividly remember researching how to fall asleep faster in second grade because it took me about an hour to fall asleep every night. This is still a problem for me (l'm in 10th grade) and lve tried everything. l stop using electronics an hour before l want to sleep (despite not having any at the time the problem started, l go to bed/wake up at the same time everyday including the weekend, pretty much everything that people recommend l have tried. I also have very vivid dreams that wake me up in the middle of the night. Also, often l wake up really early and cant fall back asleep, and once l wake up l cant fall back asleep. Also once in a while, l stay half asleep literally all night and feel really hot and sick. (by the way l wear a fitbit that tracks my sleep which is how l know how long etc.) My parents (despite me showing them how long it takes me to fall asleep) dont care at all and just tell me to stop using my phone before bed. When l asked to go to the doctor for it my dad said it wouldnt help or anything like that so like.... what can l do?

回答 (2)

2016-09-05 6:44 pm
Look up the number for Social Services and give them a call. Ask to speak to a social worker and tell them your story. The more details you can give them the better they can help you. Ask if they will come to your home to interview you and your parents in greater detail. Once their evaluation is complete ask them what options they can offer you to reach your goal.
2016-09-04 3:04 am
It really pays to get a lot of physical exercise so you are tired. When I am tired from work, I fall asleep fast. Other days it can take a long time.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 21:34:34
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