I can't stand my stuttering anymore!?

2016-09-02 10:11 pm
I have been stuttering since I was 5. My parents never supported me during my teenage years (I'm currently 18). All they did was give me useless tips like "breathe and think before speaking, speak slowly, drink water, calm down, etc", but they couldn't understand that it is involuntary and a disorder I couldn't control (and still can't). I went to speech therapy when I was 6, and I used to read aloud every night before going to sleep. My stuttering was somewhat reduced, but I still suffered from depression, social anxiety, extremely low self-esteem, suicidal thoughts, self flagellation, teasing and bullying throughout my middle and high school years. Now I'm a freshman in college, and I can't tell my life is getting better. My stuttering is getting worse everyday since they are all strangers and I have a fear of being judged by them. I'm afraid of:
-Meeting new people
-Participating in class
-Not able to get a job somewhere in the future
-Not getting a girlfriend (I've never had a gf btw)

Will my life get any better? Please tell me how to overcome my stuttering. It's so frustrating!!!

回答 (4)

2016-09-02 10:22 pm
When you meet new people and you are afraid of being judged. Just remember that people suck and they are the worst things in the world. They're are 7 billion horrible people and they all will judge based upon what they see and they will laugh like idiots. But the hardest but best thing to do is forget them. Everyone is an idiot but you. You are the best among everyone else and you are a god compared to other people. Just remember to think things like that. You are better than everyone else. That will get rid of your anxiety. That's what I did. I too had anxiety from being bullied. But if I'm better than everyone else and if everyone doesn't matter then it wont bother me. You do the same. Hope this helped.
2016-09-02 10:18 pm
Low self esteem can cause all of the above problems you have mentioned. Read Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now, this will help you be better focused and that should put you on the road to healing your self esteem issues.
2016-09-03 1:24 am
I stuttered too so I know exactly how you feel.
I think it's anxiety but also a complete lack of peace. Tell a dr about it; there are good meds for anxiety.----------------------
Find some big happy churches, attend age-appropriate groups there and have fun. Talk with the pastor/minister. A good one can show you how to have perfect peace. Where else can you get counseling for FREE? Remember, God loves you more than you can possibly imagine.
2016-09-02 10:17 pm
Tried hypnotism?

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