Do you believe that people can be anything they want in life?

2016-09-02 1:30 pm
Only you can determine your future

回答 (9)

2016-09-02 1:36 pm
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I have to believe that because believing that makes me different and being different makes me strive to be.
2016-09-02 1:46 pm
No.... even as our own aim, focus, mindset and efforts do have much of a role in determining what we are, there is always that element of a bit of luck or misfortune or timing that either seals it or spoils it.
2016-09-02 1:52 pm
yes, if they apply themselves and have a bit of good luck.
2016-09-02 1:47 pm
Everyone has limitations.
2016-09-02 1:43 pm
"You can be what ever you resolve to be." ~ Stonewall Jackson with the key word being 'resolve'. You can't just 'want' it, you have to be resolved to accomplish it. And yeah. I'm living proof.
2016-09-02 1:35 pm
To a degree yes, but unforseen events and people can alter that.
2016-09-02 1:33 pm
Definitely not, circumstances happen and it can render a person totally helpless.
2016-09-02 1:32 pm
Yes and no.
2016-09-02 1:31 pm
idk I say leave it up to fate

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