All of my friends smoke weed and drink?

2016-09-02 4:41 am
Ok so yesterday (we're 16) all of my friends and I were hanging out and all of them were talking about how they love to drink and smoke weed, and how good it makes them feel. I have never drank or smoked because I would get in so much trouble and I just don't want to. It's so bad for you. But I feel so stupid when they're all talking about it and they always pick on me because I don't want to do it. Any advice?

回答 (5)

2016-09-02 4:54 am
Find new friends who share your values. My boyfriend started out how you described at 16 years old. The small stuff wasnt enough any more after time. The older he got the more and harsher things he would try. He has spent several years of his life in jail because of his addiction. He has lost his children to the state because his ex was a junky and he was locked up for drugs. He has just this year went to rehab. Got his 5 year old son back. With that being said he almost lost me and my kids who called him dad. He would of been homeless or sleeping in a crack house. He lost his license. Trust me when I say these kids will regret the decisions they are making today. Maybe not in a year but maybe 20 years down the road when they have nothing but drugs and alcohol. Stay true to yourself. If they r true friends they will respect your decision. Good luck and God bless
2016-09-02 4:54 am
Those aren't real friends. Those toxic people are bad for you. Please take care of yourself and be around healthy positive people. Believe me you are so much better without bad influence in your life.
2016-09-02 4:47 am
If they pick on you for not doing it,they're not real friends. Ask them to stop and if they refuse you should ignore them. They'll get the messgae
2016-09-02 4:43 am
Make new friends, and slowly distance yourself from your old friends. There's no law that says you have to keep the same friends forever, especially if you don't like the same things.
2016-09-02 4:42 am
Get new friends; I've done it myself.

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