Do You Like The Black Lives Matter Movement?

2016-09-02 3:00 am

回答 (11)

2016-09-02 3:03 am
i don't support any hate groups, or movements.
2016-09-02 3:31 am
· Destroys person property and belongings
· Divideds America by class and color
· 💲 hungry
· Entices violence against 👮
· Does nothing positive for society


NOPE! For me.

2016-09-02 3:16 am

The black lives matter movement is anti-white and homophobic.
2016-09-02 3:04 am
No, and the reason why is because of the way they protest. Blocking highways and chanting for the death of police officers is no way to act. The overall message I agree with but the leadership has not done anything to rein in their movements actions and I don't agree with any movement that unconditionally hates people.
2016-09-02 4:14 am
It's angry and misguided. It makes scape goats out of police for all the ills in the Black community.
2016-09-02 3:35 am
Yes, but then I know what it really is and what it really stands for and that it isn't violent, whereas right-wingers have been fed a load of bull so they think it's scary.
2016-09-02 3:07 am
no. They are racists
2016-09-02 3:03 am
No. It's not just black lives. All lives matter and its just riduclous.
2016-09-02 3:03 am
Actually I'm more concerned with other movements.

Yeah I eat too much sticky cheese.
2016-09-02 3:02 am
Yes it shows just how moronic the entire movement is
2016-09-02 3:03 am
Yes i love the BLM movement it points outs the ridiculous amount of racism against Blacks #BLACKLIFESMATTER!

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