Barbra Streisand claims she will relocate to Australia if Donald Trump wins. will her threat make you think twice about voting trump?

2016-09-01 10:53 pm

回答 (15)

2016-09-03 6:13 am
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We don't care what celebrities say in regard to politics, period. We have a country to save from the world's liberal elites who run both our parties. We have had it. Trump is a true OUTSIDER who knows what is going on, listen carefully to him and the destruction that is hurting Americans for decades. Only an outsider will stop it. Hillary proved is globalist puppet, inept, poor manager, unethical. caused mid east wars/deaths, wants us to be like Europe, further destroyed with more mass immigration and terrorists. Bringing us further into poverty by supporting them. Will not work ever
2016-09-01 10:55 pm
yes, will defo vote Trump now. good riddance to average talent
2016-09-01 10:56 pm
Makes me want to vote twice for Trump but I'm not a libtard so I get only one shot at it
2016-09-02 12:36 am
Canada won't take her.

2016-09-02 12:17 am
That's a reason TO vote for Trump.
2016-09-01 10:57 pm
Actually, I do not think the Australians want her, but even if she goes, under Mr. Trump, her money stays.
2016-09-01 10:57 pm
Let me know when early voting starts
2016-09-01 10:55 pm
It almost tempts me to vote for Trump, but I won't be persuaded THAT easily.
2016-09-02 8:19 am
We don't care what celebrities say in regard to politics, period. We have a country to save from the world's liberal elites who run both our parties. We have had it. Trump is a true OUTSIDER who knows what is going on, listen carefully to him and the destruction that is hurting Americans for decades. Only an outsider will stop it. Hillary proved is globalist puppet, inept, poor manager, unethical. caused mid east wars/deaths, wants us to be like Europe, further destroyed with more mass immigration and terrorists. Bringing us further into poverty by supporting them. Will not work ever.
2016-09-02 12:27 am
No, I am not stupid enough to vote for Donnie the idiot whisperer. Of course, I am a firm believer that anyone, lib, con, other, who offers to leave America if their choice loses, should stop waiting and leave now. I may not be a patriotic flag waver and heroic Christian like to many people claim without anything to back it up, but one thing I am not, is a quitter.

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