Other keys are working in my ignition?

2016-09-01 6:32 pm
I didn't have a key for the car door, so I bought a lock and key from the junkyard. I accidentally tried to put the door key in the ignition, and found that the door key, which again came from a completely different car (not even the same make, my car's a cadillac and the key's from an oldsmobile, both are from the 80s though). What would cause this.

回答 (2)

2016-09-01 6:37 pm
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Millions and millions of cars. Not possible to make a key unique to each one. You hit a random match, which between two GM cars is possible. Or your ignition lock is so worn out any key would work in it.

Neighbors Pontiac key worked on my mother's Chevy once years ago when she locked the keys inside...
2016-09-01 6:36 pm
Old cars had pretty low quality locks. Most of them you can even unlock with a flathead screwdriver, although I wouldn't reccomend it.
2016-09-01 7:29 pm
Jake is correct. Then wear over the years has added to the problems. A friend had his keys fall out with the car running and get lost under the seat. We tuned the car off with someone else's car keys.
2016-09-01 6:50 pm
I think at that time there may have been 72 different key combinations for GM keys, and you just happened to hit the luck of the draw.
2016-09-01 6:47 pm
Yeah, we can run either of our '92/'93 Dodge trucks from the same keys.

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