What is the most fascinating state of USA ?

2016-09-01 5:13 pm

回答 (11)

2016-09-01 5:18 pm
Most all has something special. Arizona, Grand Canyon, Arkansas, Hot Springs & Eureka Springs and on & on.
2016-09-01 5:17 pm
2016-09-01 6:09 pm
2016-09-01 5:55 pm
Louisiana, namely New Orleans.
2016-09-01 5:22 pm
2016-09-01 5:21 pm
2016-09-01 5:20 pm
I think Florida is very unique. Some of the ecosystems, wildlife, and climates in Florida are found no where else in the United States...
2016-09-01 5:16 pm
New Mexico
2016-09-01 5:15 pm
2016-09-01 5:14 pm
I enjoy Utah the most. But I will confess my bias -- it is my home state.

There's great diversity among people, and there's great diversity in the natural landscape. Something for everybody.

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