Canada vs America?

2016-09-01 12:59 am

回答 (7)

2016-09-01 1:07 am
Canada used to have better beer, but thanks to microbreweries we've closed that crucial gap.
2016-09-01 1:04 am
Greed has taken Canada over just as bad as here in the U.S., real estate has sky rocketed just as bad or even worse up there, while wages have not. It is not as social as many think either, you could end up getting in more fights in one day up there than you did all your life here in the U.S. There are a lot of wise @sses who hate us just for being American. My sister hates it up there. The only thing they have over us is a better socialized health care system and, (if this has not changed since 1975), better working rights, other than that, I was ever happy to leave Canada and come back to the good old United States in late 1975 and plan to stay here till I die. So I give my vote to the UNITED STATES !
2016-09-01 1:00 am
Canada= gay, weak, feminine, ball less, whiny, p*ssies
2016-09-01 1:03 am
In curling?


In everything else?

2016-09-01 1:45 am
In most ratings of the best countries in the world to live in ,Canada is usual in the top ten and the US never even makes the top ten
Also, you have the most profound,deadly,destructive racism and bigotry and Canada does not to any such degree .
Americans gun culture sees the US gun death rates at TWENTY TIMES THAT OF THE WESTERN DEMOCRACIES .You get off allowing kids to have their heads blownoff like at SandyHook and Canadians do not .
You have a for profit healthcare system that costs more than twice of that insingle payer countries and quality of care is relatively low except if you have money.A few hundred thousand Americans have to declare bankrupsy ecause of health costs which never happens under universal care .
With only 5 % of the world population ,you have 25% of the world's prisoners You have the most across the board violence of any western democracy including Canada .That anyone for a nano second would say our streets etc are more violence prone than yours merely attests to your frigging ignorance .Go spend a weekend in Chicago but bring your own coffins
While many love you for your money,the vast number of the world's people hate your guts for the atrocities your war mongering ones have caused
Most American' claim to be a Christian nation but are in fact the anti Christ .
Real estate prices have soared basically In only two areas ,Vancover and Toronto .And dumbo US experts are worried about your soaring real estate prices
2016-09-01 1:26 am
LOL. Canada is a far better country to live.
By the way, I wasn't born in Canada, I chose to move to Canada over the USA. I'm glad I did.
2016-09-01 1:05 am
Canada. Take off eh.

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