Why men are afraid of intelligent, succesful women?

2016-08-31 11:17 pm

回答 (8)

2016-09-01 6:54 pm
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Because every one is afraid of intelligent, succesful women
2016-09-01 5:44 am
Because these men don't want to settle down yet. They want to have sex and fool around without having to think about intelligent, successful women with goals and futures. They just want to have fun. They don't want that type of woman yet. Try dating mature men, who are ready for all of that.
2016-09-01 3:42 pm
they may feel they are not good enough for you and have no shot
2016-08-31 11:40 pm
Because they dont want to feel less intelligent.
2016-08-31 11:33 pm
We aren't
2016-08-31 11:23 pm
We aren't. Why are you bigoted?
2016-08-31 11:22 pm
cuz its not what they want.
2016-08-31 11:18 pm
b/c they have fragile egos and believe they are superior to females in a patriarchal culture that likes to humiliate females

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