1 TB drive preloaded with Windows 7/8/10?

2016-08-31 10:52 pm
Just want to know I need a replacement

回答 (5)

2016-08-31 11:07 pm
are you on crack?
2016-08-31 10:56 pm
Your question makes no sense.
2016-09-01 3:48 am
In your dreams. New drives have nothing on them. Maybe a real sharp technician can copy your old drive onto the new one if the old drive isn't completely dead.
2016-09-01 1:19 am
No but if your current drive is working use Acronis or Aomei to back up your copy of Windows and use the new Hard Drive as a transplant and you shouldn't have any issues.

And by the way your question is on the cars and transport category.
2016-09-01 1:14 am
Not happening: a Windows license costs more than a terabyte drive.

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