Hello teenage girls How can i get a girlfriend?

2016-08-30 10:20 pm
Hello teenage girls. im 15 years old I start year 11 next thursday and then i do my exams and leave school for college and i want to start getting girls in my life. i live in leeds

im pretty ugly and Im not really attractive to any girls i have freckles i have a goofy tooth that kind of sticks out when i smile and i have blue eyes. I dont even know how i can start a conversation. I do magic and im thinking of getting them, to write there phone number on the card as part of the trick but i want more ways to get girls to like me. Please help ive never had a proper girlfriend and i think im the right age now

if youd like to see a picture of me i can always post one

thank you

回答 (1)

2016-08-30 10:26 pm
Firstly lay of the low self esteem for a start. Next.Start lookinmg for girls who like you and are interested in you.Those girls will look at you and they will smile at you.Some girls might just stare at you. Smile back at one of them that you like then say "Hi" or "Hey". Then introduce yourself.Just say this:
"Hi,my names is Kevin,whats your name?". The best topic to talk to a girl about is her.Find out all about them,Just ask them questions so you can learn all about them.They should ask you questions too. The more you have in common with a girl the better off you'll be.

There are plenty of books available on dating for teens.Start reading.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:07:33
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