What guys think of girls biting lips?

2016-08-30 6:19 am

回答 (8)

2016-08-30 7:59 am
There's two types, one is where the person bites there lips when they're concentrating on something and the other is intentionally flirting. Some people think it's sexy.
2016-08-30 6:47 am
2016-08-30 6:40 am
I think it's hot, but it could mean she's nervous or she likes you.
2016-08-30 6:24 am
They love it
2016-08-30 6:24 am
Let me know what it means please.
2016-08-30 6:24 am
It says she is nervous or she is pretending to be interested
2016-08-30 6:22 am
Some guys find it hot if she does it right. Not making overly obvious.
2016-08-30 6:21 am
It tells me that she's probably nervous or wants to kiss me. But then again, I'm terrible at reading nonverbal cues.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 21:27:26
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