This is crazy some person at the park called the Police on me saying I exposed myself while I was just playing soccer!?

2016-08-29 11:46 pm
So I was just playing soccer running around dribbling the ball and all of a sudden two squad cars pull up and one Officer comes out and was like " How are you doing today" and I was like good and he said well we got a call from someone that you were exposing yourself to someone and I was like I would never do that I was just dribbling the ball back and forth and he was like well you weren't touching yourself funny in anyway and I was like well maybe I was pulling my shorts up because they are kind of loose and maybe I pulled them up funny and that person that I was but I promised I never exposed myself and he was like okay and he asked all my information and they both went by their cars and than the one Officer came back and was like look you're not in trouble but be more careful how you pull your pants up and I was like okay will do and they both got in their cars and left so are they still going to investigate or what I never did such a thing people are crazy and I am never going to that park again.

回答 (7)

2016-08-30 2:31 am
It is crazy the you expect anyone to believe your FICTION, and even crazier that someone does.

ASSuming some called in such a report, and the police responded at all, there is NO WAY they would send more than one car.
2017-04-21 3:53 am
This isn't a question.
2016-08-30 4:34 am
Probably they won't investigate the incident further, but if they have another report of you doing that, they would open a new investigation.
2016-08-30 12:04 am
so what is the question?
2016-08-29 11:59 pm
Tell it to the judge
2016-08-29 11:51 pm
This isn't a question.
2016-08-29 11:49 pm
My guess is that someone is either trying to get you into trouble OR someone happened to get a glance of your junk. Big deal.
I'm sure this is over, don't stress about it anymore. And buy some shorts that fit, lol.

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