What if america was just white?

2016-08-29 9:01 pm

回答 (9)

2016-08-29 9:28 pm
We'd be happy lumps of dough, half-baked and unpalatable.
2016-08-29 9:09 pm
It would suck EVEN MORE than it does now.
2016-08-29 9:15 pm
I would move to England
2016-09-02 8:46 pm
That opportunity was lost when America unlike any other country "invited" all races to populate their land as they were unable to overcome a severe shortage of pairs of hands, to develop the continent's lands, as big as Europe itself.
2016-08-31 2:08 am
They'd have to blame everything on themselves instead of dumping it on Minorities.
2016-08-30 5:21 pm
Blacks spreading Out of Africa started settling Europe around 40,000 years ago.
Their skin only started turning white less than 10,000 years ago.
During the period Europe was "just white" they were in sorry shape: intolerant, ignorant & always at war.

Which bears a striking similarity to the White America so-many US bigots ^ drop-outs fantasize about restoring.
Or not so striking given the fact Americans started out as European colonists escaping an especially intolerant, ignorant and violent period of European history.

Regardless, the US still wouldn't be the Utopia only delusional people think it was or pretend it could be again.

Other nations are already too far ahead of a steadily-declining America for the US to ever catch up.
2016-08-29 9:38 pm
thats never going to happen.
2016-08-29 9:04 pm
There would be no racial conflict. But there would be no Jazz or Be-Bop or Blues, either.
2016-08-29 9:08 pm
wouldn't make any different you are a mixed breed anyway and just as cantankerous you fall out with yourselves you need guns to survive

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