I own a chain of retail outlets in a city and need to keep track of stock. How can I do it without having to visit each outlet every time?

2016-08-29 5:17 pm

回答 (8)

2016-08-29 7:13 pm
There are probably 100 or more software programs out there that can solve your problem. You will have to start with a complete and accurate inventory, entering each unit into your system. Once the initial inventory is complete, it is all automatic. Assuming you have reliable "sensors" at all points-of-entry, nothing can leave the outlet without it registering on your centralized system - either as a sale or a theft. Depending on the size of your inventory (you report a "chain of outlets") a comprehensive inventory control/loss prevention system is low-cost insurance and an executive no-brainer. I am somewhat surprised that your insurance company doesn't require it. Once implemented, I would inquire into a possible discount on your loss-prevention premiums. Best wishes.
2016-08-29 5:19 pm
You might consider having your staff track and report it. Like every other chain business.
2016-09-02 5:33 am
You don't own ****. If you did you would know this and already have had it when you started.
2016-08-29 10:52 pm
you have a very good computer program that handles your stock, this means that as things are received they are correctly entered, and as they are sold, they also are correctly entered, a good POS system should suffice
2016-08-29 5:48 pm
Good retail POS accounting software will do that automatically. Note that you still need to do physical inventory at least once a year.
2016-08-29 5:27 pm
Yeah hire staff to do stock checks and staff for admin roles ect. It might be worth you taking a quick online course about buisness principles and a customer service principles course so you know what is needed for a business to run effectively. Things like mentors to keep the staff in check. It all depends on the size of your business. There are laws that have to be upheld you have to hire trained fire wardens , first aiders then for the admin section thats a different ball game aswell you look for people with different skills and qualities people that are good with accountancy and still need people skills for phoning clients.
Good luck hope this helps
2016-08-29 5:21 pm
You need to CONSULT with a SPECIALSIT FIRm that does these kinds of thing for you.

You need com,p-uters and on-lien tracking -- a job whcih YOu cannot do yourself.
2016-08-29 5:19 pm
Set up an online inventory with a check in/out system that keeps track of all movements in stock. There are plenty of businesses dedicated to creating such systems.

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