i live in Tennessee.... if I have a check from working as a single adult and have the max taxes taken out,how much will I bring home?

2016-08-29 1:48 pm

the check is 1,000 dollars

回答 (6)

2016-08-29 2:29 pm
Run the numbers here -> http://www.PayCheckCity.com
2016-08-29 3:47 pm
$1000 - expect to keep 75%, (take home about $750) the rest will be held for various taxes.

If this is weekly, your income would be 52000 annually. A little over 1 month's wages will be withheld over the course of the year. allowing you to take home just under $40,000 or about $3,200 per month.
2016-08-30 1:35 pm
about 75% of your gross probably.
2016-08-29 7:05 pm
It depends on what your gross pay is.
2016-08-29 4:34 pm
if this is a one time payment, you know that 7.65% Is withheld for FICA, if Tenn has an employee tax it might be 1% or more or less(there is no state income tax for Tenn)
your income tax if this is monthly is probably $100
2016-08-29 4:01 pm
How could anyone possibly know how much you make?
2016-08-29 2:04 pm
The maximum is every dollar you earn, since you can specify extra withholding on your W-4. More seriously, if you are asking what the withholding would be if you claimed 0 allowances on your w-4,we would have to know if this was a weekly, biweekly, semi-monthly, or even a monthly check.

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