why was juilius ceaser murdered?

2016-08-29 8:59 am

回答 (5)

2016-08-29 9:50 am
Fear of the the future under his leadership and jealousy
2016-08-29 9:25 am
JC was a ruthless political operator constantly trying to manoeuvre the Senate into his way of thinking. Naturally he stood on a lot of faces in his climb to the top and when it seemed that he was pursuing a course which would effectively make him king (or it could so be portrayed by his opponents) he was crossing a line drawn in the sand by Roman tradition in which the destiny of Rome and its expansion grew ultimately from the expulsion of the Etruscan kings in the early days and their replacement by a Republic. Thus to declare that 'Caesar would be King' was a rallying cry to the plebs and made his murder seem justified. (His murder took place by the way, not in the Forum familiar to us from photographs but in Pompey's Forum which now boast a 'cat colony' for feral cats!
2016-08-29 9:25 am
Julius Caesar, the”dictator for life”of the Roman Empire, is murdered by his own senators at a meeting in a hall next to Pompey’s Theatre. The conspiracy against Caesar encompassed as many as sixty noblemen, including Caesar’s own protege, Marcus Brutus.

Caesar was scheduled to leave Rome to fight in a war on March 18 and had appointed loyal members of his army to rule the Empire in his absence. The Republican senators, already chafing at having to abide by Caesar’s decrees, were particularly angry about the prospect of taking orders from Caesar’s underlings. Cassius Longinus started the plot against the dictator, quickly getting his brother-in-law Marcus Brutus to join.

Caesar should have been well aware that many of the senators hated him, but he dismissed his security force not long before his assassination. Reportedly, Caesar was handed a warning note as he entered the senate meeting that day but did not read it. After he entered the hall, Caesar was surrounded by senators holding daggers. Servilius Casca struck the first blow, hitting Caesar in the neck and drawing blood. The other senators all joined in, stabbing him repeatedly about the head.

Marcus Brutus wounded Caesar in the groin and Caesar is said to have remarked in Greek, “You, too, my child?” In the aftermath of the assassination, Antony attempted to carry out Caesar’s legacy. However, Caesar’s will left Octavian in charge as his adopted son. Cassius and Brutus tried to rally a Republican army and Brutus even issued coins celebrating the assassination, known as the Ides of March. Octavian vowedrevenge against the assassins, two years later Cassius and Brutuscommitted suicide after learning that Octavian’s forces had defeated theirs at the Battle of Philippa in Greece.

Antony took his armies east, where he hooked up with Caesar’s old paramour, Cleopatra. Octavian and Antony fought for many years until Octavian prevailed. In 30 B.C., Antonycommitted suicide. Octavian, later known as Augustus, ruled the Roman Empire for many more years.
2016-08-29 9:02 am
"The assassination of Julius Caesar was the result of a conspiracy by many Roman senators. Led by Gaius Cassius Longinus and Marcus Junius Brutus, they stabbed Julius Caesar to death in a location adjacent to the Theatre of Pompey on the Ides of March (March 15), 44 BC. Caesar was the dictator of the Roman Republic at the time, having recently been declared dictator perpetuo by the Senate. This declaration made several senators fear that Caesar wanted to overthrow the Senate in favor of tyranny. The conspirators were unable to restore the Roman Republic."


"Biographers describe tension between Caesar and the Senate, and his possible claims to the title of king. These events were the principal motive for Caesar's assassination."
2016-08-29 9:08 am
basically treachery like JFK no real basis but he had lofty ideas after all he earned them the facts are basic as explained but give no verdict as to why it changed nothing just removed him

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