What is the meaning of Certify Question in Canada law book. Thanks.?

2016-08-29 8:32 am

回答 (1)

2016-08-29 9:52 am

法律術語「Certified Question 」來源於聯邦法院審判需適用州法律案件時,在特定法律事項上沒有先決判例之時。
The term “certified question” becomes relevant when a federal court is deciding a case involving state law and is dealing with a particular issue in the case for which there is no controlling legal precedent.

為能獲得必要的法律先例,聯邦法院向州最高法院呈遞「Certified Question」,並在等待回復過程中,將懸而未決的案件暫緩推遲
To obtain the necessary legal precedent, the federal court presents a certified question of law to the highest court in that state — often referred to as the Supreme Court — then places the pending case on hold while it waits for an answer.

Once the state Supreme Court provides its answer, and therefore establishes legal precedent, the federal court applies this rule of law to the case before it and will enter its final judgment.

[案例]Clay v. Sun Insurance Office, Ltd.一案,佛羅里達法院面臨沒有先決判例可循的困境。但佛州立法機關允許巡迴法院向最高法院提出「Certified Question」獲得判例,由此確立。
參考: wisegeek.com

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