I'm left handed and scared?

2016-08-29 12:46 am
Most people in the world are right handed and I m one of the lefts. Is left handed bad luck or cursed, will I go to hell?
Does the devil lurk over the left hand side?
Is left handed unlucky?
Did Christ carry sheep in his right hand and lamb on his left?
Why do some cultures think left handed people are bad luck?
Is it bad to chance hand?
I m only 13 and I m so scared. I only started researching this information when I was bored and thought why am I left handed. You know then you get something random pop in your head out of the blue.
I have two close cousins who are left handed and my dad was left but he was brought up to change into right.

Sorry there are so many questions but this is what I keep brain storming and it s been stressing me.
Hope you can help, thank you.

回答 (13)

2016-08-29 1:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You're worrying about nothing, nothing at all. It's just pure chance that you're left-handed, and it certainly isn't a stigma of any kind. I'm sure that many famous people were left-handed, so look a few of them up, and take some encouragement from their life stories. Find something else to occupy your mind, and forget about being left-handed.
2016-08-29 12:52 am
celebrate your chance to be different. I have been left handed all of my 71 years and never felt it to be a curse
2016-08-29 4:43 pm
Nothing to worry about
2016-08-30 2:05 am
Face it,you are trolling & nothing will save you for that.
2016-08-29 4:37 pm
And which is also unfortunate the accepted terminology for one who is left handed is "eccentric" My father was born left handed and way back when he went to school they tied his left arm behind him to a his chair, not as punishment but to stop his using it. Strangely enough he developed beautiful hand writing but never forgot this old school demand.
2016-08-29 4:01 am
You're a troll or an idiot.
2016-08-29 12:47 am
Left handed means you are a sinner.
2016-09-22 8:20 am
My dad was a leftie and proud of it. He ended up being a professional baseball pitcher. Just be glad you didn't have people try to force you into using your right hand. That used to be the Catholic thing to do. There is a great song out about that and I can't think of the name of the woman, a famous singer, who sang about she wondered what she lost and what great things she might have done had they not switched her over to using her right hand. There is nothing to be scared about. Some time ago I read that 10% of all people are lefties. Before I moved here some twenty plus years ago they had opened a specialty house and it was for lefties only. They had all those things that are made for right handed done to work for lefties. It was a great place to get a gift for a left handed friend.
2016-09-05 11:41 pm
Actually, as a fellow left-hander, I feel special cause there aren't too many people in this world like me.
2016-09-03 5:10 pm
Yes there is something demonic at work, and it's good that you're worried. For more information go to YouTube and search NWO Agenda 21.
2016-09-02 7:25 am
Don't be. Most of the most intelligent people I know are lefties.
2016-09-01 5:08 am
jack gets my vote for the best answer to the student who was scared to go to school yesterday.good luck.
2016-08-31 9:59 pm
af s
2016-08-31 8:27 pm
Be glad that you aren't like some of us who were born natural lefties but FORCED to be righties.

The only good thing that I can say about it is that now I am ambidextrous.

While my English penmanship leaves much to be desired, I can write beautifully in Arabic with either hand!
2016-08-31 7:06 am
I'm left handed too...well actually I'm crossed handed (both) but when I use scissors its always with my right hand. When I write its usually with my left hand sometimes my right. You're cool, I'm cool so don't worry about it.
2016-08-30 10:23 am
There are millions of us here in the world who are left handed,
nothing to be worried about at all.

Prince William is lefthanded
so is President Obama.
and lots more too.
2016-08-29 11:27 pm
You're in good company.
Chuck Conners
Hans Conreid
James Cromwell
Tom Cruise
Quinn Cummings
Daniel Davis
Bruce Davison
Matt Dillon
Marty Engles, comedian
Olivia de Havilland
Robert DeNiro
All are lefties.
2016-08-29 6:46 pm
I'm left handed.
It's cool!
Only 10% of the population is LH.
LH have an advantage in tennis & fencing! Be proud!
2016-08-29 4:01 am
Become left footer also.
2016-08-30 2:50 pm
You just have to take care, because most things are made for right handed individuals, you are more prone to injury. Statistics show that left handed people die around seven years earlier than those right handed.
But don't worry, gods with you

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