Is there anyone else that could be president besides Hilary or Trump?

2016-08-28 6:19 pm
I thought the GOP was going to have someone come out of the woodworks but I feel like it's kind of late for that now lol but is thre any other party that could put up someone? Or could someone else decide tor un now?

回答 (7)

2016-08-28 6:25 pm
It's scary to think those two are the best we have, isn't it?
2016-08-28 10:33 pm
If you mean in 2017, there is a slim chance, I would guess 20% , that it could be Johnson.
2016-08-28 6:24 pm
There are a lot more candidates than the media chooses to show, such as Gary Johnson and Jill Stein.
2016-08-28 6:20 pm
yes, there are several other candidates
2016-08-28 6:48 pm
Only if Hilery drops dead.

If Trump dies Hilery wins. If Repub party leaders pull fast one, hilery wins.

Insiders want Hilery. She one of them. So , only hand of G. or massive voters ignoring all the propaganda can get Trump in.

Clintons and Perot eliminated any other possibilities in the 90s.
2016-08-28 6:20 pm
No.The world is ready for Hillary.
2016-08-28 6:42 pm
No and that is why rational people will have to vote for Hillary.

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