Poll: Donald Trump Vs Hilary Clinton?

2016-08-27 7:28 pm

回答 (12)

2016-08-27 7:39 pm
Donald Trump 110%
2016-08-27 9:51 pm
2016-08-27 7:32 pm
We don't need another crooked liberal politician, we need a man with a plan, and that is Donald Trump.
2016-08-27 7:35 pm
Donald Trump for the win!
2016-08-27 8:45 pm
2016-08-27 7:29 pm
2016-08-27 7:47 pm
I would have to pick Hillary Clinton. I have problems with her. I don't like her views on same-sex marriage and abortion. But Donald Trump is just flat out dangerous. Additionally, he is a Wicked and Trashy Bully. I'm going to have to go with Hillary Clinton this time. I feel like I have to go for Hillary because Trump is just so exceptionally bad. None of the other GOP candidates running this time were anywhere close to being as bad as Trump. I could've gone for either Cruz, Kasich, Rubio, Bush, Carson, Huckabee, or Santorum over Hillary Clinton. If Mitt Romney had run, I could have been for Mitt over Hillary. But, with Trump as Republican nominee, I'm afraid I'll just have to hold my nose and vote for Hillary Rodham Clinton.
2016-08-27 7:35 pm
2016-08-27 7:32 pm
Hillary. Hate Trump.
2016-08-27 7:45 pm
if i had to choose, hillary.

trump may be a good businessman but he has no political experience whatsoever. at least hillary does.

also, trump is homophobic, transphobic, racist, misogynistic, rude, etc. he's also a rapist.

i don't think either of them would make good presidents, however.
2016-08-27 9:25 pm
And your point!
2016-08-27 7:38 pm
VS victoria secret

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