Alternative way to purchase application online (For example steam)?

2016-08-27 4:09 pm
Good day everyone. I would like to know how can i purchase a game on steam without using credit card. I only have debit card, and non of my family has credit card. Is there a way to purchase it? Or i actually can use debit card but have to active some options?

回答 (2)

2016-08-28 12:51 am
Maybe you can open an account in any bank to get a card called VISA Finance Card(VISA金融卡).This kind of card has Both VISA pay function and debit function.
Using VISA Finance Card, You can not Make an overdraft,but can only Spend money of your deposit to buy a game online where only credit card such as VISA accepted.
2016-08-27 4:31 pm
1. How to pay for an online purchase has nothing to do with what you buy. It depends on who you bought it from. That is - it depends on what the seller accepts.

2. Many sellers accept different payment methods depending on 3 things.
a) the amount - the more you buy, the more likely they want the payment wired to their bank. Lesser amount may be doable by CC or debit.

b) where you live - for international purchases, wiring is still most acceptable. Otherwise, CC.

c) how frequent you buy - they will give you more trust if your buying history is good.

3. Many retailers, on line and otherwise, accept PayPal. I think it's worthwhile to establish a PayPal account. Nowadays, Visa, Master Card, Amex, Discover, even Diners' Club, all have on line payment wallet programs. But you will need some dough to join those programs.

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 21:49:04
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