HI, I'm looking to get a puppy in the next year or two.?

2016-08-26 8:22 pm
I live in an apartment, but will be moving in the next 2 years. I'm looking for a 10 to 50 pound dog, with the lowest maintenance possible. I don't mind energy, but the dog cant be up all day and night. I also would like the dog to be very quiet, and or bark when necessary. Ive had my heart set on a Brittany, Boston terrier, Yorkie, and toy poodle. Does anyone have any other suggestions? I looking for only dog breeds, not information on the dogs listed above. Thank you

I'm looking to get a dog, does anyone have any suggestions?

回答 (14)

2016-08-27 12:15 am
in a year or two you could win the lottery and not even think of a dog
2016-08-26 11:34 pm
You do not sound prepared to have a dog. They are not toys or furniture, they are living beings.
2016-08-26 9:06 pm
A stuffed one
2016-08-26 8:26 pm
You have a lot of requirements for a dog. Most are active, bark when they hear noises, and don't sit around like a stuffed toy when you want to be left alone. I think what you want is a cat.
2017-03-05 6:58 am
get a mastiff
2016-11-01 1:03 am
get a mastiff
2016-08-27 3:15 pm
Smaller the dog, more it barks. And you will need to take this puppy out every 2 - 3 hours to pee/poop. Do NOT allow the puppy to pee on anything in the apartment.

In fact, its better to adopt a trained older dog that you know its size and habits. I would not pick any of your choices for an apartment dog as most are not quiet. A quiet dog that would fit your requirements would be a Whippet or Standard Schnaurzer.
2016-08-27 3:18 am
In apartments where I have lived dogs of any size are not allowed and you will be asked to remove immediately or leave yourself.If renting a house you must have the owners permission beforehand and that includes cats and dogs.So before purchase make sure it s ok by owner.
2016-08-27 1:54 am
of those I would go with the Brittney, but you should really consider a Basenji if you don't want a lot of noise.
2016-08-27 1:41 am
None of those dogs are right for you. In fact, with what your looking for, I'd say no dog. I suggest you consider a cat.

You don't have the commitment for a dog. All dogs need training and exercise, plus puppies are a lot of work.
2016-08-26 8:24 pm
dont know
2016-08-26 8:40 pm
Most things you're talking about, are things you need to train for.

Look at litters, or go to a shelter and pick what you want.
2016-08-26 8:23 pm
Great Danes would be a pretty good choice, they're super sweet.
2016-08-26 8:23 pm
Get a mastiff

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