Why people prefer to look for pokemons, instead of looking for Jesus?

2016-08-26 7:35 pm

回答 (84)

2016-08-27 10:37 pm
Pokemons actually have a chance of being found. Pokemon would get boring too, and nobody would end up playing it if there was a 0% chance of actually finding a pokemon.
2016-08-27 7:58 pm
Because virtual or not Pokemon are more real than a son of god ever was.
2016-08-26 7:36 pm
Pokémon can be found, in places other than a person's imagination.
2016-08-26 7:36 pm
Pokemons might exist.
2016-08-27 5:50 pm
Because people prefer satanism instead of christianity
2016-08-26 7:54 pm
My son plays pokemon go. It's basically just a pokemon version of geocaching. It's just a game to play that gets you out of the house, getting fresh air, hiking, etc. Studies show that kids go outdoors for an average of 14 minutes a day. When I was kid, we were basically outdoors every day, most of our free time.
2016-08-28 7:46 am
If you play Pokèmon Go long enough you will find a rare Pokèmon called car. Legends has it that car can use a special attack called tires on the Pokemon trainer and it will drain your life bar away, killing you and instantly sending you to a magical, but useless place called heaven. Christians are the only pokemon you can catch. God is the ultimate Pokemon master you must battle up against and Jesus heals your Pokèmon for you.
2016-08-28 6:37 am
That's like asking why people prefer to play the piano instead of eating cheese. They're two completely different things that are unrelated to each other.
2016-08-28 1:59 am
Maybe because we have pokemon in our pocket and not jesus
2016-08-26 7:37 pm
Where can I catch a Jesus? Is it legendary?
2016-08-27 5:42 pm
Because there is no a videogame of jesus
2016-08-26 8:13 pm
Because pokemons are the more real of the two?
2016-08-28 6:43 pm
Great question Honey. Sad isn't it? I think some people always want to wait to find Jesus until right before they die. Unfortunately some go before they have the chance to find the greatest friend in the world.
2016-08-27 5:20 am
I love my Pokemons! My cute little Pichu is sooooo satanic!! Same goes for my little baby Cleffa! Oh they are just so cute and satanic! :D
2016-08-29 10:19 am
2016-08-26 7:38 pm
They prefer Satan , and hate God.
2016-08-27 8:30 pm
I don't know, they are the same people that sabotage offspring of disabled, widowed, women, and people with ADD/ADHD from getting jobs and think "No Child Left Behind", "Common Core", "Make America Great Again for schools" was good. No offence Donald Trump, but those people that played the Backstreet Boys 20 years ago played you on the last one, congress, Supreme Court, etc. I really don't like how these secret societies that run the world with celebrities, The Backstreet Boys and NSYNC and 98 Degrees, and Five are all quitting by the way. Since now it is a conflict of interest, and let's face it, it breaks the laws and The Constitution and Bill of Rights, and The Social Contracts and Three Treatises of Government for the United States and we should have never agreed to it with the UN, NATO, OPEC, etc. back in 1935.But people need to find Jesus Christ, NOW!!!!!!!!! The End is almost here and if your not with him, then sorry, good bye to you, and I hope your on The New Heaven and New Earth Someday.
2016-08-29 5:25 pm
i have a better idea, why not instead of doing that get out and look for a job
2016-08-27 11:12 pm
Because Pokemon are more interesting, perhaps.
2016-08-27 7:38 pm
2016-08-27 6:29 pm
Pokemon does not demand any change in their lives.
2016-08-26 7:36 pm
Pokemons are fun.
2016-08-29 7:26 pm
They don't need to look for Jesus he is ever present (as is God and the Holy Spirit), but Pokémon are not divine and thus need to be physically found.
2016-08-28 11:27 pm
not everyone is christian
2016-08-28 9:09 pm
Because people don't know what is really important in life.
2016-08-27 10:19 pm
Though the are equally imagined, pokemon are far more interesting.
2016-08-27 8:15 pm
Because it's better.
2016-08-30 2:50 pm
Because I can walk out my front door and find a whole bunch of Pokemon with little effort. Jesus is a heck of a lot harder to find, considering he's more of an idea then a physical entity at this point.
2016-08-26 7:36 pm
Those two activities aren't usually mutually exclusive, I think.
2016-12-30 7:43 pm
pokemons are interesting
2016-11-13 8:18 pm
People do both and may have already found Jesus!
2016-09-01 7:31 pm
2016-09-01 8:43 am
2016-09-01 8:35 am
2016-08-31 9:51 pm
because if they go around the neighborhood looking for Jesus and find a doorbell with the name Jesus Whatever last name you choose and ring the guy's bell. if he's sleeping or having sex or into something on-line, he just might beat the crap out of them for bothering him.
2016-08-31 6:22 am
How can we find something that doesn't exist? People play Pokémon go because it's a real game.
2016-08-31 4:55 am
I would say they just haven't looked for and believed/trusted in him enough. Remember, you can't always get what you want but God will not give you anything that you genuinely can't handle once you believe in Him. Kind of an unrelated question tho
2016-08-31 4:36 am
Because God isn't real and Pokemon is tangible and semi-real.
2016-08-31 1:41 am
What the F*ck
2016-08-31 1:08 am
Because Media.
2016-08-30 10:05 pm
I'm glad you ask this question. Jesus should be the target but people are too occupied in worldly things :(
2016-08-30 2:39 pm
pokemon is fun
2016-08-30 9:33 am
because they don't know.
2016-08-30 7:58 am
Because we actually can see them unlike a myth. Plus, people might actually look for "Jesus" if it was fun too and you actually could find him.
2016-08-30 7:05 am
Cause Jesus ain't no Pikachu!
2016-08-30 6:42 am
2016-08-30 5:12 am
Because they're full of **** and have too many Pokemons stuck up their asses
2016-08-30 1:00 am
You can do both i believe love in god i pray every night but still into video games such as super mario and others but im a huge fan of mario
2016-08-30 12:28 am
2016-08-29 5:23 pm
cause theyre more interested in pokemons
2016-08-29 4:14 pm
because the devil is good at what he do
2016-08-29 3:06 pm
You're a ******* moron, you know that?
2016-08-29 2:42 pm
Because silicon valley is constantly looking for ways to spy on you and don't want you to be independent and strong on the inside through Faith in Jesus
2016-08-29 2:23 pm
2016-08-29 1:20 pm
May Pikachu bless you.
2016-08-29 12:59 pm
I not know cant answer that one
2016-08-29 10:50 am
Jesus Christ can't be reached by iphone, unless he admits where he is, which he would be unwise to do
2016-08-29 9:38 am
Pokemons are interesting
2016-08-29 8:00 am
In future there will be a definite change in their attitudes and behavior. Please wait. Have patience and see it for your self.
參考: own
2016-08-29 5:54 am
Cause Jesus is real
2016-08-29 4:44 am
It's a game
2016-08-29 4:06 am
it depends on the persons.
2016-08-29 3:42 am
Because there hasn't been proof that Jesus exists for a long time. There isn't gonna be any proof any time soon.
2016-08-29 3:18 am
You are comparing to subjects. With that said this doesn't make sense.
2016-08-29 1:24 am
Immediate gratification? Kind of like modern bio-feedback using Pokoman instead of electrodes hooked to the head?
2016-08-28 11:53 pm
Cause we are brainwashed
2016-08-28 11:13 pm
People can look for both lol.
2016-08-28 10:36 pm
Because they don't know the real sense of the life
2016-08-28 10:35 pm
because modern society is lost and needs a saviour.
2016-08-28 10:34 pm
Look for my hog
2016-08-28 10:04 pm
jesus is not an obtainable object, and not everyone is a christian, dumbo.
2016-08-28 10:03 pm
To socialy fit in !
2016-08-28 8:53 pm
I don't know, neither are real.
2016-08-28 5:47 pm
I don't think there is such a thing as Jesus GO.
2016-08-28 12:23 pm
Good question. No love and eternal life in Pokémon.
2016-08-28 11:19 am
pokeamons are real
2016-08-28 9:53 am
We can find pokemon
2016-08-30 5:34 am
I think I found him. He's been working in my yard. Ok now back to Pokemon!
2016-08-29 11:01 pm
With all due respect , its probably because no one can actually claim " They found Jesus ". Of course most prisoners claim to have found Jesus because that line of thinking gets them special favors and a better chance of parole . Everyday people in hospitals pray to Jesus for loved ones to get better and yet their loved ones still die. Young children dies everyday --where was Jesus to help them . Why would Jesus let a scumbag criminal killer to live and yet allow a innocent child to die or a yourng girl to be sold into slavery ?? Most people who turn to Jesus or the church of their choice have major issues like death in their families or no love life to speak of . This does not make them good or bad , its simply a means of relief or satisfaction for them . Now with Pokemon , they appear on your cell phone , in fact I have found them in a church . Imagine finding Picachu and not Jesus when you visit your church . One can only be disappointed a few times before they decide .
參考: common sense
2016-08-29 2:43 pm
Because Pokemons are actually findable. Jesus isn't real.
2016-08-27 8:58 pm
jesus is sweaty and smelly from long days of mowing the lawns
2016-08-27 8:09 pm
The material world has always tried to obscure the existence of the spiritual realm.
The conflict between good and evil is still continuing; and will continue until Jesus' second coming.
2016-08-26 8:09 pm
hmmmmm that's two different kinds of looking lol.
2016-08-26 7:38 pm
Because its super effective.
2016-08-29 4:54 am
People prefer looking for Pokemon for joys of collecting as well something more interactive to life. Jesus is not a collectible and Jesus is no where close to interact in life. Also Pokémon is possible to look for Jesus not so much maybe look in a Trubbish if there is any sign of him being there.
2016-08-27 11:06 pm
pokemon is flat out stupid - eye candy for idiots

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