Any way for a non-family member to know if someone did have a Will at the time they died?

2016-08-25 1:21 am
A very close and trusted friend died recently. We had discussed Will's of one sort or another on many an occasion. He said many many times that he did. Along the way he started saying things like "that's our..." or " you get that when I'm gone."(I really don't care one little bit if he did or not) But within days his widow called and asked odd questions pertaining to a persons last wishes and when I asked when his will would be read, she said (emphatically) that he didn't have one.
Is there some way I can see if he did?
Not sure I will say/do anything if he did, just curious as to whether his wife is lying or not.

A mutual friend thought that if he had filed it with a Lawyer that it would come to light once the Coroner's Office filed a notice to the State. But he couldn't say how the State would know which Lawyer to contact or anything else to back it up. So I'm left wonder how it is that our last wishes are carried out.

回答 (2)

2016-08-25 2:05 am
Unless he registered it, no way to know.
2016-08-25 1:28 am
There is no way for anyone to know whether or not some other person has a will.

There is no office to file them it. It is up to a person to tell others of the existence of their will and to have it read on their death. There is no "list of everyone with wills" that one can peruse.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 23:28:13
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