How do I get out of going to this party?

2016-08-24 5:28 pm
So my friend is throwing this cliché high school party (you know, with the red solo cups that i saw her buy, the loud music and drunk people?) and she said that she wants me to go but I really don t want to. It s not my scene, I m the least social person ever and to be honest, I d rather sit at home and watch Netflix or something. Even my parents say I should go (obviously they don t know what happens at these types of parties).

This friend and I aren t that close but I still don t want to hurt her feelings and I have no intention of telling her that I don t want to go just because I want to catch up on a TV show. Any diseases that I can tell her I have or just any valid, believable excuse I can use to get out of this?

回答 (3)

2016-08-24 5:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Just tell her how boring you are. It should be obvious
2016-08-24 7:28 pm
Tell her bluntly you do not enjoy drinking and partying.
You have other things to do.
2016-08-24 5:33 pm
Tell her the truth.

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