How would you know if the guy is a relationship material?

2016-08-24 10:57 am

回答 (4)

2016-08-24 11:26 am
Every guy is "relationship material" ------ if he connects with you if he is honest and likes you he is relationship material ------ don't make lists or have an image because the person you love will never match them
2016-08-24 11:15 am
If you’re looking for a relationship, you’re going to need to approach guys who are relationship material. In this sense, a guy who is relationship material is someone who will not have a fatal flaw that would annihilate any chance of you being happy in the relationship. For your particular situation, deal breakers can include sexual chemistry, a bad taste in music, or even just a very bad first date location. Believe it or not, there are some key indicators that a guy is not relationship material for anyone. So be careful & all the best.
2016-08-24 11:10 am
Do a quiz on
2016-08-24 11:25 am
Have read quite a bit of material on finding dates.  Best thing to do is write down a list of things that you NEED in a partner , things that are desirable and things that are deal breakers. Have a good sense of what is important to you and decide what things you are willing to compromise on. Some people call it "settling" But what you bring to the relationship is also important. Its not just about a partner jumping through hoops to please you but about you being willing to meet him halfway. All adults have their own personalities, their own flaws and no one is perfect in the sense of being some prince on a white horse. its not going to happen. Relationships are about give and take, being flexible and knowing what you will and will not tolerate in a partner. As mentioned above even small things can be annoying to you, can prevent you from considering this person further, unless you are willing to "cut them some slack" and find out what they are really like as a person.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 20:54:25
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