How do I solve and then simplify this math problem:

2016-08-24 7:23 am

回答 (3)

2016-08-24 7:37 am
(2x⁻⁵ / 3x³)⁻³

= (2x⁻⁵)⁻³ / (3x³)⁻³ ...... (a/b)ⁿ = aⁿ/bⁿ

= 2⁻³x¹⁵ / 3⁻³x⁻⁹ ...... (ab)ⁿ = aⁿbⁿ and (aᵐ)ⁿ = aᵐⁿ

= 3³x¹⁵x⁹ / 2³ ...... a⁻ⁿ = (1/a)ⁿ and (1/a)⁻ⁿ = aⁿ

= 27x²⁴ / 8 ...... aⁿaᵐ = aⁿ⁺ᵐ

= (27/8)x²⁴
2016-08-24 7:31 am
The power -1 means reciprocal.
[2x^(-3)/3x^3] = (2/3x^8)
[2x^(-3)/3x^3]^(-3) = (3x^8/3)^3 = 27x^24/8
2016-08-24 8:22 am
= (3x^3/2x^-5)^3
= 27x^24/8

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