What military branch gets deployed less often?

2016-08-24 4:29 am
I'm in my senior year of high school and really want to join the military but also want to start a family. I want the military background to look good for my future career (RN then an OBGYN) and also to go to college but I don't want to be away that much. I don't mind being gone that long while at training but when I'm fully in I don't want to be leaving as much as my dad does (Navy), do what military branch gets deployed less often?

回答 (12)

2016-08-24 4:51 am

OBGYN is a doctor taking 8-10 years total, so you would have to go to Med School, to get in you would need Pre-Med not a Nursing degree. Trying to have a family while doing this schooling is impossible. If you go into the Military getting a basic degree (not one in nursing or pre-med) takes double the length.
2016-08-24 4:32 am
Coast Guard. Followed oh so close by the Navy

Depends largely on what you consider "deployed". Is hanging out in the middle of the Mediterranean for 6 months "deployed" or is 9 months in Afghanistan "deployed"
2016-08-24 4:43 am
2016-08-24 4:44 am
Go with the Coast Guard.
2016-08-24 5:05 am
Air Force
2016-08-24 12:00 pm
The Coast Guard in terms of war. The Coast Guard has been deployed in wars such WWII and the Vietnam War, but their main goal is, obviously, to protect our coasts, provide assistance to boats in distress near our coasts and S&R missions when a boat or individual has gone missing. You'll be deployed quite often, but not out to war.
2016-08-24 4:38 am
Enlisted Air Force. Think about it...they send the officers off to combat. ; ' )
2016-08-24 4:45 am
The regular services like Army, Air Force, and Navy are going to get deployed quite often as time goes by. The Coast Guard, on the other hand, probably won't because they have to stay near our country's coast.
2016-08-26 3:23 am
Are you looking to join the military and then go to school for this or get your degree and then join military? It makes a difference.
2016-08-24 5:30 pm
If you want to join for benefits and not to aid your nations, please do NOT sign up.
2016-08-24 8:41 pm
The pay core.
2016-08-24 9:02 pm
NCO, Air Force. Officers, you are gone forever and you never know where.

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