Where to get wooden spools in central Florida?

2016-08-23 8:26 pm
Wondering where I can get free wooden spools that are normally for electrical wire? I called OUC and they said they don't give them away.

回答 (5)

2017-02-09 6:15 pm
2016-12-12 7:38 pm
2016-08-23 9:45 pm
Jump the fence at your local electrical or cable company and steal them afterhours. No biggie at all.
2016-08-23 9:04 pm
Call a local electrician business and see if they might be able to provide some.

Or check their trash dumpsters....
2016-08-24 3:47 am
You contact some one that uses the wire in bulk, but doesn't have any use for the spools. More than likely, they don't exist, because they can SELL the spools.

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 21:31:17
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