All my friends on Facebook have posted This?

2016-08-23 7:40 pm
All of my friends on Facebook has wrtitten This:
"From This day on I Will not give Facebook permission to use my photos, my information, my publications. From past and present.
Facebook needs to know that it's not okay to Copy, distribuet, give or sell my information or photos" (And a lot more)
I'm very Confused... Has Facebook begun to sell, Copy, give There users information?

回答 (4)

2016-08-23 7:50 pm
It doesn't do a damn thing. By joining, you agree to all of FB's Terms and Conditions. Writing something on your wall does not give you any rights.
2016-08-23 7:55 pm
If you don't want your photos posted, then don't post them to Facebook or anywhere else!
2016-08-24 12:09 am
No. but other users do.
2016-08-23 10:37 pm
that's a hoax post... ignore it

want proof? here's a link...

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