How to decrypt an ancrypted password?

2016-08-23 6:38 pm

回答 (10)

2016-08-23 7:03 pm
Passwords are usually hashed, not "encrypted", so there's no unique password matching the stored hash. Cryptographic hash methods are chosen so that current technology can't find any password that will generate a given hash value in human time.

You're better off trying to guess the password. Or trying to convince or deceive someone into telling it to you.
2016-08-24 12:32 am
They are stored by one way encryption and can NOT be read back. An encrypted copy of the user entry is compared with it. And your question is inciting others to conspire to crack passwords and carries up to 20 years prison and a criminal record for you and anyone helping you. You just did so on a site monitored by every police and government agency and which stores all your details for years.
2016-08-24 5:01 am
Passwords usually don't go the direction of getting decrypted. It is the login code going encrypted and check against the database.
2016-08-24 2:02 am
You can't if it is encrypted or hashed. It was basically meant for a one time encryption without decryption. Some encryption will need a key to it. You can brute force the hash or encrypted thing with a bruteforcer. It is going to take a long time(most of the time), but if you are committed, try it. Or you can just try to guess by yourself, lol thats the old way...Guessing actually works, I actually guessed my friends password after gmail blocked my bruteforcer (he asked me to retrieve it for him). So try guessing if all fails.
2016-08-23 8:07 pm
You cant.
2016-08-30 10:07 am
you cant...
2016-08-26 3:14 pm
Unless you know the key it is impossible.
2016-08-25 2:52 pm
Think you are asking the wrong question

You use a password to encrypt something or prevent access

That "something" is the thing thats encrypted - - not the password

think you are asking how do you decrypt or gain access to something that can only be accessed with a password

Most people use a password they can easily remember

"brute force" decryption just uses huge lists of passwords to try and find the original

("Hashing" something is NOT encrypting it - its "mashing" it up to create a unique code
Its impossible to "unmash it" to get the original back
Only thing you can do is create other codes from "known data" and compare with the one you have
If they are the same then the odds are HUGE that your "known data" is the one you are looking for

(with a 256 bit hash thats 2^256 possible hash codes = 10^77 different possible codes

so if you get 2 codes the same the odds are 10^77 they were generated from the same "known data"

Problem with truly random "known data" where you dont know how long the password is you could have to generate 10^77 to find the original
Course it helps if you know the password is say 10 character long and only consists of say numbers
then all you have to generate is 10^10 reference hashes )
2016-08-24 6:22 pm
Use the debug program to go down to the machine level programming of just zeros and ones.
2016-08-24 8:59 am
Actually I think I might use the ASCII table, but I don't really know how I can use it... Others say I may use the logarithm? I'm really stuck now...
2016-08-23 8:39 pm
If you're talking about the password appearing as ******** in a login form, it might actually be possible to retrieve it, but it depends on the circumstances.

Some forms will put asterisks into the field, but they are only supposed to show that something was already entered; they don't actually make up the password.
If they *do* however, you can look at the password by right-clicking the password field and selecting "inspect element" from the popup menu. In the developer console, the password field will appear as
<input ... type="password" ...>
If you double-click "password", then change it to "text" and press enter, you might see the stored password.
This is very insecure though it usually won't work any longer.

Unless it was actually filled in by the browser, in which case you can find the stored passwords in the menu.
In Firefox for instance you'd go to the menu -> Tools -> Options, select the "Security" tab, then click on "Saved Logins..."

Given that your question is incredibly vague though, you might be talking about something completely different.

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