Dieting 15 y/o F?

2016-08-23 4:39 pm
I'm 160lbs 5ft 6-7 ish 15 and female, which is obviously over weight and I want to lose it but I can't stop eating, I hate exercising and I hate myself. I'm fat I can't fit into nice clothes and I just can't. At one minute I'm saying that I'm going to stick to my diet then the next I'm saying I accept how fat I am and eat, then I regret it and go back to hating myself, please please help me with a plan to keep me on my diet and can you give me a good diet? Like could I have one sweet thing a day or something? Please help me I hate being fat

回答 (1)

2016-08-23 4:50 pm
Of course you can have a sweet thing a day! My dietician had me eating 1/2 cup of Edy's Grand slow churned Ice Cream daily and I still lost 20 pounds. She also had me eating grilled cheese sandwiches, or sandwiches on whole grain bread, then at night I could have 1 cup of pasta with 1/2 cup of sauce and a salad, then one day I would have baked chicken (2 pieces of thigh) with 1 cup of broccoli, and 1/2 sweet potato! You don't have to Starve yourself to lose weight, that is what people don't understand!
Eat Wholesome foods and enjoy a sweet a day.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 21:19:30
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