what happens if you refuse to eat while on a flight?

2016-08-23 2:35 am

回答 (10)

2016-08-23 2:37 am
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Nothing - no one forces you to eat (there's never meal service on domestic flights anyway).
2016-08-23 2:54 am
You do not eat.
You get hungry.
The Plane Lands
You get off.
2016-08-23 2:35 am
Nothing. They're perfectly happy to let you go hungry.
2016-08-23 1:14 pm
They drag you to he galley, tie you down and MAKE you eat!!

Seriously - no one gives a d@mn if you eat or not. It is your choice.
2016-08-23 7:54 am
Nothing. Nobody will force you to eat, except your mother.
2016-08-23 3:40 am
Nothing. No one is going to force feed you.
No one will care either.
2016-08-23 1:21 pm
You can do that.
2016-08-23 1:03 pm
You might go hungry?
2016-08-23 11:16 am
You miss a meal.
2016-08-23 6:51 am
2016-08-23 3:19 am
You will eventually get cobwebs around your bottom!

Seriously, nobody will worry about it, you will get hungry, but they won't refund the cost of the meal.
2016-08-24 2:25 am
I'm sorry but I can't help you
2016-08-23 8:07 pm
i think all you have to do is politely decline the food
2016-08-23 6:27 am
Your stomach ruptures

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