At Hong Kong people can read and write sinplified ideograms or traditional Ones only?

2016-08-23 1:37 am

回答 (6)

2016-08-23 5:01 am
most people use traditional chinese characters.

some people can use both.
2016-08-23 10:01 am
What's ideogram ?
2016-08-29 10:51 am
Most people in Hong Kong can read and write both ideograms, but when some people take notes, they will use some simplified one as it is quicker and easy.
2016-08-29 8:29 am
I think many people can read Simplified Chinese, may not be able to write all of them but can write at least a few.
2016-08-24 10:12 pm
2016-08-23 7:14 am
Maybe only a few people can write and read simplified characters in hong kong.

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