I think it's a cyst?

2016-08-22 2:18 pm
So I have had this small lump on my cheek for long now (a few months maybe a year) and i think its a cyst . Anyway I got tired of the thing not that its sightly but i didnt want it on my face anymore so i soaked it for 2 days with apple cider vinegar . it didnt make a scabb like peopple said it would so i just squeezed the living hell out of it . It popped and a lot of ooze came out . its the next day and the thing is a bit inflamed and i can still feel something like a bag where it is but no matter how hard i squeeze it doesnt want to come out . What can I do ... Ps. I hate needles and there isnt a way in hell im poking one into my face (I have tried that kinda against my will and it didnt work) . So what can i do to relieve the inflamation and heal the thing . Cortisone could work ?

回答 (3)

2016-08-22 2:23 pm
That sounds like a cyst. If it's not bothering you, you can just leave it but because the sac is still there it will most likely fill again and possibly at some point become infected. Then you wlll have no choice but to have it out. It actually doesn't hurt that much, just a pinch from the needle for like a second or two.
2016-08-22 2:23 pm

I think there might still be ooze inside. When you squeezed it, did everything come out? It might break the skin tissue and harm it if you don't use something like a needle or sharp object to penetrate it before extraction of the cyst. Maybe it would be better if you had numbing cream and a friend to help you extract the cyst more thoroughly?

Most moisturizers should be good for healing; just takes time.
參考: Self - extraction experience
2016-08-22 2:20 pm
You don't know what it is. What if its cancer and you are poking it and making it spread. You need to see a doctor today and get a diagnosis.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 15:27:42
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