how much excercise do these dog breeds need?

2016-08-22 1:13 pm
Planning on getting a labrador, border collie or a kelpie x b collie. And i am just wondering how much exercise would each dog breed need as i am not sure which is the right one for me.
Also ive read that collies and kelpies can jump pretty high and wander off if bored, is that true ?

回答 (15)

2016-08-22 1:19 pm
If yours is not a normal family that wants a family dog and with someone home most of the time, then avoid the herding breeds. They will get so bored that it drives them mental. 1/2 an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening is insufficent for a young herding dog.
Only get a Lab from a well respected local breeder, there are increasing numbers of short-tempered Labs on the market.
2016-08-22 9:36 pm
lots and lots and lots of EXERCISE !!!
2016-08-22 1:41 pm
asking this means you are nowhere ready for a dog research on breeds you may like . lots to read out there .... do lots of research on health care for each breed ...research research before getting a dog
2016-08-23 2:04 am
Labs are high energy dogs. Border Collies and Kelpies are insane high energy dogs. So you are looking at a TON of exercise. If the mixes take after the BC side, then you are looking at a very high energy dog that needs a job - it will not be content to lay around in the house.

You may want to reconsider if you cannot provide hours of exercise every day.
2016-08-22 3:54 pm
Lots and any dog can escape whether bored or not if not constantly supervised and securely contained.

Puppies, walk/elimination times every 1-2 hours, trained adults 3-4 times daily, 30-40 minutes each time.

In addition they need aerobic exercise, such as playing fetch, mental stimulation such as obedience training.
2016-08-22 2:03 pm
I can only say the herding breeds need TONS of exercise, mentally as well as physically too. All too often families think the Border Collie is the dog for them when it's far from the case. Too many end up on Rescue because they are bored stiff and not given enough to occupy themselves with. Busy families often don't have the time needed to cope with one of these especially. And PLEASE don't get into mix-breeding. This is only done by BYBs and for only one reason - to part you from your money.

Of the choices, I'd go for a Labrador every time BUT on the understand that these need exercise, and puppies MUST have somebody around most of the time at first. I'd not say you are not ready for a dog - at least you are enquiring, but I do urge you to locate a good breeder, best via the Breed Club and go visit. Try not to focus on any puppies they may have - you need to think about the adult because the puppy stages, although very important, only last such a short time.
2016-11-09 11:33 am
i think all dogs need a good amount of exercise, if you want more active dogs collies are awesome...........................
2016-10-29 1:21 am
research the breeds exercise needs ...
2016-09-05 5:29 pm
i think all dogs need a good amount of exercise, if you want more active dogs collies are awesome.........
2016-08-23 2:57 am
I have a rescue Kelpie x. She is a total handful, not because she's a 'bad dog' and she is trained, she just needs a LOT of mental and physical stimulation to not be tied, just sane.
For example I take her to an off lead beach every day where she can run and then jog her 8 kms. later when she's home she's still energetic enough to dig massive holes and go crazy dog. This is because she has to live in suburbia, not ideal but more ideal than the pound plus i love her.

When choosing a dog i think the most important thing is to choose one which will fit your lifestyle, you will have a much closer relationship.
2016-08-22 9:02 pm
Labradors and sheep dogs are incredibly active and need a lot of mental stimulation as well as physical, if they are not mentally stimulated enough they can become bored and disobedient and pick up bad habits such as chewing furniture (which labs are renown for). I would suggest a 30-45 walk twice a day morning and night and a lot of stimulating toys such as dog puzzles and kongs which are great to help keep their minds active when you are busy.
2016-08-22 6:17 pm
research the breeds exercise needs .
2016-08-22 3:48 pm
Consider working with an animal rescue league and that might help you make your decision.

Labs are usually playful dogs and like to be part of the family. They get along with others and are about moderately active. Each dog is a bit less active as it ages. Labs are friendly for the most part.

I have also owned a Border Collie mix and love this breed. They are friendly, sociable, love people and are sensitve to your feelings and needs. They are just loving dogs. They do like to be busy but also as they age they will be a bit less active. Take them for walks, do agility training or teach them tricks. If you want a dog sensitive to your emotions, this may be the breed for you.

I don't know much about Kelpies. Go to your local animal rescue league ahd help out. Experience is the best teacher. Or, help at your local animal shelter. Either way, you may find your new best friend in doing this. Sometimes it is a bond that develops and can't be mistaken for "the one".;_ylt=A2KLqIEPEbtXfGIAgZv7w8QF;_ylu=X3oDMTBsY2c1bTgxBHNlYwNzZWFyY2gEdnRpZANCMjQ0OQ--;_ylc=X1MDOTY3ODEzMDcEX3IDMgRiY2sDNnVwajB0aGFzajU5aiUyNmIlM0Q0JTI2ZCUzRGJwOEhVcDVwWUVMdzA1VGF1NVVNTkI4LkQzdDVNYVVTQW00eXVnLS0lMjZzJTNEcDglMjZpJTNET3dnUTJwbTNKbHB6NDU4VllxMlUEZnIDeWZwLXQEZ3ByaWQDTUJGeTJYVHlTakdjT1IyVzBobW5aQQRtdGVzdGlkA1VJMDElM0RCMjQ0OQRuX3JzbHQDNjAEbl9zdWdnAzEwBG9yaWdpbgN2aWRlby5zZWFyY2gueWFob28uY29tBHBvcwMwBHBxc3RyAwRwcXN0cmwDBHFzdHJsAzIyBHF1ZXJ5A25hbmEgdGhlIGJvcmRlciBjb2xsaWUEdF9zdG1wAzE0NzE4Nzc0NzYEdnRlc3RpZANCMjQ0OQ--?gprid=MBFy2XTySjGcOR2W0hmnZA&pvid=Hmz94Tk4LjFvZmDsVcmVMwmWOTguMgAAAAApEJrv&p=nana+the+border+collie&ei=UTF-8&fr2=p%3As%2Cv%3Av%2Cm%3Asa&fr=yfp-t#id=2&vid=4405ff0595ce7cbf869cc08a4ff43051&action=view

Any dog you get will require attention and time with you and the family. They are like small children and don't like to be ignored. It is obvious that the dog in "Nana the Border Collie" was given hundreds of hours in time, attention, and training. All dogs need positive reinforcement and training. Dogs love praise!!!
2016-08-22 2:02 pm
Younger dogs do need more supervision then adult dogs simply because they have not been taught what not to get into and that everything is new to them - they have the drive and need to investigate all new things.

Do research into what your dogs been bred to do. Dogs that work in fields such as flushing bites, retrieving bids etc have a lot of stamina and need their exerceise. Herding dogs also have been bred for their intelligence and their stamina.
2016-08-22 2:01 pm
Honestly most people here are d1cks, dont listen to them, they might know there stuff but they are hour in the morning 2 hours at noon and hour and half in evening will do fine
2016-08-22 1:35 pm
I think all dogs need a good amount of exercise, if you want more active dogs collies are great.

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