How do i potty train my 5 month old pit bull?

2016-08-22 12:49 pm
I got a new blue nose bully puppy he is 5 months old. I am trying to potty train him it is extremely difficult the guy who i brought him from said he couldnt get him to stop peeing in his house either. He will be outside for a couple hours and the ln get inside and pee and poop.

回答 (5)

2016-08-22 1:43 pm
potty training is your job ,not the dogs research on line and in books on how to potty train your pup
2016-08-22 3:49 pm
The same way as you do any dog, it's not breed and/or Type of dog, specific. Color has no bearing on this Type of dog.

Did you take him to a vet along with a fresh fecal specimen within 48 hours of getting him like you were suppose to?
2016-08-22 12:58 pm
Once you can rule out a medical problem with this puppy, you go to puppy one - take him out every couple of hours, literally so you prevent the NEED to be messing indoors. And for now, don't leave him outside. He needs to associate being taken out with emptying. Right now, he's finding all sorts to get up to outside, none of it being emptying so when he does come indoors, the immediate thought is hey, I need to empty. So he does.

By this age he should, medical problem apart, be able to hold for up to 3 hours and overnight but again, for now take him out often, praise him tons when he empties outside. If he doesn't empty when you know he needs to (interval since he last went) being him back in after 5 minutes, and stay with him in the room by the outside door. The moment he goes to squat, say No! and get him straight back outside. ONLY correct in the act - not later on when you find the mess. If that happens, just wipe it up poperly without comment. He will be watching and seeing your body language. Correcting by shouting or physically correcting and he'll just hear your anger - not necessarily why.

And overnight, for now, I'd get up and take him out once still. The aim should be to prevent the accidents.

Having a Bowel Movement should be marginally easier given the dog should only need one as many times as he has food perhaps plus one more, understanding that digestion takes roughly 4 hours in the dog. And with a normal stool. If he has diarrhoea, he can't help going more often.

As he's slightly older he will be more set in is ways so it may take a lot of time and patience before he's totally clean indoors. But it can be done. And when you are not home, confine him (after giving him the chance to empty before you leave) to a place you can easily clean up any mistakes. Bearing in mind sometimes a dog who is anxious about being left, will make a mess!!
2016-08-22 12:51 pm
When he poohs rub his nose in it.
2016-08-22 1:40 pm
I think whenever he poops you should drag him to the potty quickly. This would then tell him that he should poop at the potty. Patience is great :)

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