Yesterday when taking my dog for a walk a feral cat attacked us.?

2016-08-22 12:39 pm
I was able to pick my dog up before it can do any damage but by doing this I was attacked. I was just starched so I cleaned that up but it happened so fast so I don't know if my dog was bitten. I went through his fur and didn't see anything, and have been watching him all day (right after it happened he acted like nothing happened and he was fine) I found out this morning by his previous owner that he wasn't up to date with his shots. So should a rabies vaccine be okay to get him or should I take him to a vet to get checked out?

回答 (4)

2016-08-22 1:01 pm
Get him looked at by your vet. If nothing else, and depending on how long it's been since his rabies booster was given (legally it should be done annually, but modern thinking says it's not needed more often then every 3 years) And the suggestion re a tet shot for yourself is a good one - these last 10 years, but if you've not had one, or it's been longer than 10 years ago, I'd get that done.

Not to alarm you but I'd suggest that most 'feral cats' would take off rather than attack you and your dog = rabies? It might be a good idea to ask your vet whether there is a rabies outbreak locally - he should know.... and it may be a good idea to see whether this cat can be caught.
2016-08-22 3:45 pm
S*** happens.

Should have taken him to a vet immediately, and yourself to a physician, hopefully you're current on your tetanus vaccine.

Only a vet can give a rabies vaccine by law, while there you can address any other concerns you may have.
2016-08-22 1:42 pm
I think you should check more thoroughly; if necessary, visit a vet
2016-08-22 12:50 pm
I think your best bet is to take him to a vet for a tetnus just in case! I also think you should go ahead and get a tetnus jab, unfortunately, feral cats can have all sorts of diseases that could make both you and your dog poorly

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 15:29:26
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